Project Collaborators

The Sephardi Home, located in the Neve Sha’anan neighborhood, offers high- quality diverse housing options for residents, either privately or funded by the Ministries of Health, Welfare, and Security. The compound, composed of two buildings, provides permanent housing to over 400 residents in 11 departments with varying needs such as frailty, in need of nursing care, and in need for care in dementia. The home operates according to the innovative “cluster model”, based on a home-like environment encouraging independence, freedom of choice, and active participation of the residents, as well as a professionally fit approach by the caregiving staff.

Kishorit, is a living community for adults with special needs, located on the premises of Kibbutz Kishor in the Western Galilee. The two communities, Kishorit and Kishor, created a unique integrative model where normative people and individuals with special needs live side by side. This integration allows adults with special needs to experience social belonging and community partnership, while significantly benefiting the normative residents.\


The LGBT Gold Forum (The Right to Age with Dignity) is the first public association in Israel dedicated to improving the quality of life for LGBT individuals throughout the aging process. The forum was established in 2022 and focuses on promoting rights and developing awareness to the needs and social services for LGBT individuals aged 50 and above, as well as those in their senior years. The LGBT Gold groups operate in collaboration with local authorities and community organizations across the country. e-mail: