Rachma – “From the day they brought me, they put me in hardship.”

I’m77  years old, despite the difficulties, I always stood on my feet. When I see my children, my heart expands, and I feel joy. I have six children, three sons, and three daughters. My husband was not present; my life was hard. I worked outside and inside, worked outside in three shifts, and came back to work at home and took care of my children. I left every day at morning prayer time, even when it was rainy. I had to be strong to raise my children. When they were small, my neighbor helped me; she took care of my children when I was at work. In life, there are dark days and days of light. No person goes through life without periods of difficulty and good times. In the end, everything passes.”

“When my husband did not help, I had to live and raise my children. I worked in three shifts… I came back home in the evenings.”

“I raised them with tears in my eyes. I bought this land, built three houses for the children, and married them all off.”