Hala Khoury Asmer

Hala Khoury Asmer is a gerontologist and a masters’ degree student at the University of Haifa, Israel. She currently conducts her thesis on “loneliness among community dwelling aging homosexuals” under the supervision of prof. Tova Band-Winterstein and prof. Yaakov Bachner at the Department of Gerontology, the University of Haifa. She is a head nurse at the Liver diseases unit at Linn Medical Center (L.M.C.) in Haifa, functions as a clinical guide for nursing students and nursing colleagues. Now a days conducting a nursing research regarding Fatty liver at the Liver clinic at L.M.C that Will be presented at two conferences in Israel. In addition, she leads other width roles in L.M.C. – guiding medical and nursing staff in the field of infection prevention coordination and guides the medical and nursing staff. Among her duties is assimilating changes according to infection prevention guidelines, guiding and preparing the medical center and medical staff for the Ministry of Health monitoring process. In her former positions she was a medical study coordinator in the Rheumatology unite for 8 years. A lecturer at the Ziv Nursing School in Zefat for 6 years. Simulation coordinator and lecturer at the nursing faculty at the University of Haifa for one year. A former nurse and medical staff guide at the Internal Department including ICU unit at Carmel Medical Center Haifa for 15 years, Nurse and medical staff guide at the Recovery Department at Carmel Medical Center.