Prof. Claudia Vogel

Department of Social Work, Neubrandenburg University of Applied Sciences
Sociology and Methods of Quantitative Social Research
- Poverty and social inequality, poverty in old age
- Care for the elderly
- Volunteering, volunteering and civil society
- Care work, family caregivers
- Age and aging
- Survey Research
- Social indicators
Functions and Memberships
- (2023 to 2025)
- (2023 to 2024)
- (1.3.2022 to 28.2.2024)
- 2022 and 2023 Deputy Spokesperson of the Ageing and Society Section of the German Sociological Association (DGS), previously Spokesperson
- Expert Advisory Board for the model project “Good and Healthy Ageing in the Community – Establishment of a Municipal Prevention Network for Older People in the State of Brandenburg”, Gesundheit Berlin-Brandenburg e.V. (2020 to 2023)