Alexandra Halbani 

Alexandra Halbani earned her bachelor’s degree in Physical therapy from the Haifa University, Israel, in 2012. Through the years, she has treated elderly people with a wide range of disabilities, in different facilities and living accommodations. Nowadays, she works at a rehabilitation center for IDF veterans. 

In 2023, she graduated her master’s degree in Gerontology with honors from the same university. The topic of her thesis research was “The lived experience of people, aging with Cerebral Palsy, around physical therapy and the Meaning they attribute to it at the current life stage”. It was conducted under the supervision of Prof. Tova Band-Winterstein.

Currently, she is preparing to start her doctoral studies  in the field of old age and lifelong disability.  

Alexandra is also a member of the “Minerva Center on Intersectionality in Ageing”, Haifa University.

She can be contacted