Nora Gnaim-Mwassi

Nura Gnaim-Mwassi

Nora Gnaim-Mwassi works as a social worker for girls in distress and welfare officer of youth law. In addition, she is a treatmen for children and teenagers who had been sexual abuse in the Arabic society.

She earned her bachelor’s degree in Social Work from the University of Haifa, Israel, in 2011, and she graduated her master’s degree in Gerontology with honors from the same university in 2021. Her topic thesis on “Life stories of Arab women aging in prostitution” under the supervision of Prof. Tova Band-Winterstein. Currently she conducts her PhD research on “The Experiences of Engage in Street Prostitution and its Significances among Arab Women through Lifetime: An Intersectionality Perspective” under the supervision of Prof. Tova Band-Winterstein and Dr. Hila Aviale. Nora is also a member of the “Minerva Center on Intersectionality in Ageing”, University of Haifa.

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